Empowering Your Future: One Skill at a Time!
We empower youth and women in life-long vocational skills, directly positioning them for business or employment

We envisage a skilled population with dignified employment and improved standards of living, making contribution to the economy of Uganda
To empower Uganda’s most vulnerable youth through hands-on skills training, Entrepreneurship development, and sustainable agro-processing solutions.
Social Impact: We believe that our primary purpose is to create positive social impact, rather than solely generate profits.
Empowerment: We empower employees to make decisions, take ownership of their work, and take calculated risks to achieve their goals within the organization.
Social Responsibility: We recognize our social responsibility to contribute to the greater good of society, and strive to make a positive impact on the communities we serve.

Our CEO: Alfred Ntagungira
Skilled, Knowledgeable, Passionate, and Persistent
Despite my parents enduring the burden to see me finish high school and attend a University Diploma, my hopes and those of the community were soon shuttered after spending five years without attaining a decent job after graduation. During this period, I struggled to have a meal, slept in abandoned structures, worked for long hours in less paying casual works. I really struggled. I often looked back with tears!
My personal experience of struggle for employment has made me passionate and dedicated towards initiatives that offer practical skills, create jobs, and improve employability. I do not want to see young people go through the difficulties I went through. For this, welcome to Ufundi Tech Africa, One Skill at a Time!
Where to find us!
Ufundi Tech Africa operates training workshops in various places per invitations. We could even come there where you are. However, for physical walk-ins into our locations, see below: