Empowering teenage mothers through Crocheting, weaving & entrepreneurship skills training.

Empowering Teenage Mothers, and out of school girls through Crocheting and Entrepreneurship Training

By Alfred Ntagungira

In Kamuli District, Eastern Uganda, a transformative initiative titled “Empowering Teenage Mothers Through Crocheting and Entrepreneurship Training” has been making a tangible difference in the lives of young women. This project is designed to empower teenage mothers, out-of-school girls, and underprivileged women by equipping them with crocheting skills and entrepreneurship knowledge. The ultimate objective is to enable them to achieve economic independence, improve their quality of life, and contribute to the development of their communities.

Tackling Uganda’s Youth Unemployment Crisis

Uganda faces a daunting unemployment crisis, with approximately 78% of the population affected. The crisis fuels poverty, which in turn leads to social issues such as teenage pregnancies, high school dropout rates, and domestic violence.

Positive Outcomes and Impact

The project has already seen significant achievements. With support from the One Million Leaders Initiative, we trained 10 girls. The skills acquired by these young women have allowed them to create high-quality products like crochet handbags, tablecloths, and woven baskets. These handcrafted goods are sold locally, enabling participants to generate much-needed income.

The impact of the program extends beyond economic improvement. Many participants have reported increased confidence and self-esteem. The sense of accomplishment gained from mastering a skill and contributing to their households’ finances has brought them dignity and purpose. The project has also fostered community building, creating a network of women who support each other both personally and professionally.

Scaling for Broader Impact

Despite these successes, the project faces limitations due to budget constraints. The initial target was to train 100 participants, but the lack of funds has limited this number to 50. In order to reach more young women and fully realize the project’s potential, additional funding is critical. Securing more resources will enable the program to expand in Kamuli and potentially scale to other regions of Uganda.

A Call for Investment and Support

This initiative is not just about providing skills; it is about breaking the cycle of poverty and marginalization for teenage mothers in Uganda. The potential for growth is clear, with the project already demonstrating its capacity to uplift lives. By investing in this project, funders will be contributing to the economic and social empowerment of women in Kamuli, with the potential to scale across the nation.

This program embodies hope, independence, and opportunity for those who need it most. With additional resources, we can multiply its impact, giving more women the chance to build brighter futures for themselves and their families.

Alfred Ntagungira is the founder and CEO Ufundi Tech Afrika.


+256 771 856425

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